Do you need some ideas to keep your kids entertained without popping them in front of the TV?
Here are my tried and true tips as a Mom of 4 kids, ages 7 and under.
None of us want our kids sitting in front of a TV all day…but we also want some peace and quiet. TV does a great job at that and I’m not about to set mine at the curb. But for the sake of balance, I’ve decided to create my tried and true list of the toys and activities that truly entertain my kids.
This post will give you great ideas for toys and easy activities that will keep your kids entertained without TV!
First, you’ll need a Timer!

Yes, a real timer with buttons that beep!
I’ve discovered that it’s not just about having things for kids do to but HOW you present it to them.
One proven way to maintain focused play, is a timer. How much time do you need to do your make-up? To finish the laundry? Finish that project? Pull out the faithful timer and bring it to the kids.
They will rejoice at having that little timer to watch, they see it as a game. Set it to however long you need and they get to do whatever given activity for that long!
This is great training for them and you! Many times we don’t believe out kids are capable of focused play for more than 10 minutes, Oh, they are! If your kids aren’t used to it, start with 15 minutes and over a month, build to an hour. I promise, it is soooo good for their little creative minds. (Plus you need that hour of peace and quite!)
Next, Prepare the “Space”
Another tip to encourage longer attention on an activity is to prepare their space ahead of time. For “book reading time” pull out a blanket and some pillows on the floor. Choose a few books that haven’t been read recently and lay them out in an inviting manner. Kids sometimes need a little push into their own creativity.

Now for the toys and activities that will actually entertain your kids- without TV!
Felt Stories
This activity is like watching a story come to life and is sure to keep your kids entertained! I inherited a nice size box of these from my Mom but you can get a ton from Amazon. My kids love them! I tape the background up on a wall and they have a blast attaching each piece to the felt picture.
Magnetic Tiles
This toy will not only keep your kids entertained, but you’ll watch their creative ability to build come alive. Every singe day my kids build something new and have to show it off. These will hold your child’s attention easily for at least 20 minutes. You can even have them build houses or garages for their other toys. These are a must have! Store these in a big plastic container for easy clean up.
Train Set
There is a reason this timeless and classic toy has not gone out of style. Boys and girls both are captivated by building a track that trains can glide down. This train set is sure to entertain your kids with absolutely no need for TV!

Never underestimate the fun in stickers! These incredibly cheap little sticky things will have your kids creating little scenes on paper. Stickers elevate regular coloring times by adding dimension and a kinesthetic aspect. I never hesitate to buy a boat load of these because they totally entertain my kids!
Moon Sand Bins
Sensory bins have been all the rage lately and for good reason. they are a contained “messy” activity for kids that will engage all their senses. Moon sand is a particular favorite of mine. This little activity easily gives me 30 minutes of quiet time while the kids play with it. Moon sand and sand toys are a mom WIN!
Pipe Cleaners and Beads
Ive had this handy for years. Fine motor skills are encouraged as it takes little hands a long time to get beads onto pipe cleaners. They love to be creating and I love the amount of time it takes them to do it! Another win, win!
Magnetic Dolls
Your child doesn’t have to be an aspiring fashion designer to love this toy. Pop on some music and tell your child to create 10 different outfit designs with their Magnetic Dolls. Give them a camera and let them document each one. The creative juices will start to flow and will keep them entertained for sure.
Tracing Pad
Who doesn’t love to feel like an artist? Tracing pads will have your kids loving to draw, write, and create as they see what they are capable of with tracing pads.
Glitter Glue
Glitter glue is a house favorite. Pull out some coloring books and have your kids trace all the lines in a picture with glitter glue. Their picture will come to life in a new way and again, their fine motor skills are hard at work.
Rainbow Scratch Paper
A new twist on coloring- these are just plain fun! Give them 10 sheets and watch them entertain themselves for at least 30 minutes with rainbow scratch paper!
Dot Paints

Dot paints are a cleaner and safer way to have your kids paint without full supervision. Whether on construction paper or in coloring books, these are twist on painting that is much more manageable!
T-Shirt Designs
Need a few hours? Let your kids design their own t shirt! they are so cheap on amazon or your local craft store. These markers and puffy paints will be a blast as they make a t shirt! Your kids will be proud to wear and show it off later on. You might even want to join in on the fun. You could also have them design a t shirt for an upcoming grandparents day or a friends birthday!
Carear Costumes
Most kids have the typical princess and superhero costumes but watch their play go to the next level with costumes that expand their imaginations. These career costumes will definitely entertain your kids.

Collapsable Tunnels
Easy clean up/ storage for you, and loads of fun for the kids! These little tunnels have been used for all kinds of different imaginary things in our house. This simple toy always has my kids playing for long periods of time and never getting board of them. (It helps that these can be put away easily! Each time its brought out, it feels brand new to the kids!)

Board and Card Games
My8 and 6 year old play Uno, battleship, and operation almost every day. There are tons of cute and fun games out there for kids to get the hang of and play without mom or dad needing to be there. These have been a game changer in our house!
These toys and activities are SURE to not only give you little pockets of peace and quiet but your kids will love each one. Instead of popping them in front of the TV, try a few of these ideas and watch their imaginations go to work!
This post is all about toys and activities that will truly entertain your kids, without tv!